Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eakin Art Show

the art show is tonight! You should all be there...but here are some pictures from the displays. :)

4th Grade's Macchia with complementary colors.
1st Grade's Cylinder Paintings
2nd Grade's Macchia paintings
5th Grade's clay cylinders
4th Grade's Fiori bottles
4th Grade's Tower & Chandelier display
3rd Grade's Chihuly paintings

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fire & Ice Sculpture

Two 4th grade classes collaborated on this project. These will also be online lessons, but I've been super busy...so not today....will tag later. For this, one class painted plastic bottles in warm colors and the other in cool colors. The warm color class cut their bottles into a spiky shape and the cool color class cut theirs into spirals. Then I made a chicken wire cylinder as a frame. The necks of the bottles fit perfectly into the chicken wire holes. Then our music teacher's father-in-law made the perfect frame to hang it from (Thanks!). I painted it black and ta-da! I am so proud of this, it is so nice! The kids did a great job. :)

Chihuly's Drawings

3rd grade has finished their layered paintings based on Chihuly's drawings. this will be an online lesson later, and I will tag it when it's done. this month, I've been pretty busy setting up for our art show on February 12th, so I haven't had a chance to upload all of the things. Until then, enjoy some pictures of the projects! We used paint rollers and scrappers to create a textured background. After that dried, we drew a Chihuly inspired shaped with oil pastels and added details with paint markers.